Archives: Manufacturers
Marklin set a standard for tin toy production and inspired generations of toy makers to produce toys even to this day. These pages are dedicated to documenting manufacturers that work in the style of Marklin, past and present.

SANTHION toys are produced by Emil Valker and his fabrication team out of Budapest, Hungary.
Werner Nordmann (WNG)

Mr. Nordmann produced many wonderful tinplate accessories. He is most well known for fine metal construction.
Christian Selzer

Christian Selzer, founder of Auktionhaus Selzer, is located in Rüdesheimam Rhein, Germany and has held auctions for many years. In addition to being a well-known auctioneer, sold a number of replica trains. Many if not all trains were produced in Hungary.
R Schrimpf

Rudolf Schrimpf of Walldorf, Germany created replica Marklin trains and accessories.
C. Blumhardt & Cie (HEHR)

Created by Mr. Hehr located near Stuttgart. Hehr Jr. now runs the operation.
Hehr acquired the older company “C. Blumhardt & Cie” and built his brand on top of it.
Ritter Restaurationen

Wir restaurieren antike Märklin-Eisenbahnen und Zubehörstücke, nostalgische Modellschiffe und Modellflugzeuge, Blech- und Gussautos, die vor 1960 gefertigt wurden.
Ersatzteile für Märklin-Eisenbahnen der Spurweiten H0/00 und Spur 0 können Sie bei uns online bestellen.
Schauen Sie sich unsere in feinster Handarbeit gefertigten Replika sowie unser Museum seltener antiker Sammlerstücke bekannter Hersteller an.